Rockstar Spotlight Of The Month


March's magical spotlight features a rockstar boss babe who not only leads by example as a beautiful mother, but also a tenacious role model in the beauty industry. Stephanie's innate bold qualities instantly drew her to the perfect match with our Natural Strawberry Beaded Bracelet! A stellar example of a dream chaser with a boundarlyess mindset, Stephanie holds a near and dear place in our hearts. Keep reading below to learn more about this rockstar!


What Does The PMD Brand & Community Mean To Stephanie:

When I wear my Natural Strawberry Beaded Bracelet, I feel I can fulfill all my dreams. It doesn't matter how old you are, it is never too late to follow what makes you happy. Thank you, Jess and Team, for helping me realize my goals. Jess has been a true inspiration to me, she is proof to follow your dreams. My next purchase is the Natural Clear Beaded Bracelet so I can have my true "sparkle" shine! 


We are overjoyed with the motivational energy our brand and community bring to Stephanie and all our incredible rockstars! Cheers to Owning The Moment with that determined footstep forward in pursuing your dreams! 

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