Rainbow Bracelets That Inspire Positive Self-Expression
Positive affirmations are well known to be life-changing in depths of ways that can be indescribable. From one small act of self-love to the goodness felt from a happy heart, a healthy mindset does wonder to our emotions, perspective, and overall journey in life.
As a jewelry brand that inspires to instill daily acts of confidence for our clients, our women-owned team knew there is no better time than here in this moment to help you shine and sparkle with renewed expressions of self-love for all that makes you who you are. From this, we are wholeheartedly humbled and grateful to introduce you to our newest bracelet collection of the month: Pride Moment Collection!
Keep reading below to learn more about the inspiration behind our designs, the first-ever personalized metal stamps, and the social impact we’re standing behind with a local charity organization!
Pride Moment Bracelet Collection
What’s the inspiration behind the new handmade bracelets?
With an immense heart for all things sparkly and bright, we wanted to partake in the beautiful energy of Pride love celebrated in the month of June. More specifically, our brand aspires to be the continued guiding light for our community, and amidst current times, encourage the renewed perspective of hope and joy that comes from love shared unconditionally. Our Pride Moment bracelets celebrate this exact beautiful spirit, of individuals, families, friends, communities uniting together in love and kindness. Featuring a rainbow of Swarovski Crystals and our first ever hand-stamped personalized charms, our bracelets symbolize the beauty in loving ourselves and the dreams we hold close to our hearts as well as the wondrous ways of expressing such self-love in creative outlets that bring joy (i.e. learning a new language, taking an acting class, painting…etc.).
How do the Pride Moment Bracelets Give Back?
Our girl power squad is utterly excited to team up with The Centre for Girls all month of June and give back 15% of total proceeds from our new collection. This particular organization immensely resonates with our core values and story as its mission is to provide innovative programming via STEAM-based programs that bring together art, health, wellness, and green living. We stand behind this local charity in the hopes of further encouraging all young women and girls to practice and live out positive self- expression and seeing the beautiful opportunities of each day to grow and thrive!
Enjoyed learning about our new rainbow bracelets and mission behind them? We’d love to hear of your takeaways and how you also will live out greater self-love in the days ahead! Leave your feedback in the comments below and peep our new bracelets here!
To learn more about The Centre for Girls, we invite you to visit their website here!
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