Holiday Boss Lady Gift Set: The Women-Owned Collaboration Celebrating The Magic of The Holiday Season from Exclusive, Intentional Gifts
Holiday Boss Lady Gift Set: A New Women-Owned Collaboration
It's that special time of year, and, yes, indeed, I've ensured to create the most wondrous of ways to live out a coveted, precious holiday season! So, if you're looking for an extra special touch of positivity and joy this holiday season, then you're in the right place!
This time of year carries an oh-so special place in our hearts as it's a season symbolizing so many precious opportunities to live and share hope, love, gratitude...etc. What’s more is our first-time ever holiday collaboration where our handmade jewelry business has teamed up with a few of our talented, wondrous friends, Jennifer from Chinca Swimwear and Flavia from The Fabulous Planner!! Celebrating the beauty in diversity from each of our multicultural backgrounds and our common mission to empower women, this Limited Edition Holiday Gift Set shall unfold an ever-so magical energy upon your heart, creating a memorable holiday season as we’ve dreamed of!
Keep reading below to learn more about each of the exclusive products and small business journeys from the fellow women-owned brands shaping up this Lady Boss Gift Set for you!
Project Moment Designs:
With almost 2 years in the making, our women-owned small business has been bringing together collections upon collections grounded on the art of story-living where each design symbolizes a special story in the current season as well as the raw energy to guide the new goals and aspirations of the wearer (rockstar customer) ahead. From our popular vivacious bracelets to our personalized hand-stamped charms, our small business has created an extraordinary Swarovski Crystal and Pearl Bracelet as part of our Holiday Lady Boss Gift Set:
Exclusive Bracelet:
A Treasured Holiday Promise Pearl and Crystal Bracelet
Purposefully designed with vintage champagne gold and burgundy pearls and Swarovski Crystals, this glowing holiday bracelet is that treasured promise and hope you hold close to your heart this time of year. Especially now, we all ought to create a new promise of self-love, hope, and imagination that’s of greater heights with how we all envision ourselves living this holiday season to the fullest, as such wishes will then later be a treasured piece in our hearts.
From a personal promise to be still throughout the holidays to a gentle act of love and kindness shared with a loved one and neighbor, this Limited Edition sparkle serves as your glowing reminder of the power of goodness as it radiates the very moment we are caring upon ourselves and upon our special holiday wish.
Chinca Swimwear:
2020, the beginning of the new decade that promised so much, once again life surprises us and shows us it can change in the blink of an eye. This year has been full of lessons, it has taught us that there is no obstacle or infringement we cannot overcome if we band together. We must not only embrace the change, but become the change! For this reason, I decided to take the risk of presenting this project, that I was and still am so excited about. The idea of Chinca was born in 2018, slowly coming to fruition one step at a time. Every goal begins to take shape once you dedicate love, time discipline, perseverance, and as in this case, a pair of magical hands.
My best memories as a child are on the beach, surrounded by friends and family. The beach is my favorite place in the world, you can connect with nature, you reconnect with yourself, you can relax, celebrate. Thanks to those good moments Chinca was born, wanting to be part of your memories.
Made with love and sparkles….
Limited Edition Scarf
Warm with you…
Everyone knows that satin smooth scarves are used as fashion accessories but there is a lot more than that, during this season, it will keep you warm and cozy. There are many ways to wear this accessory, scarves can be worn in so many ways! Neck, wrist, handbag, hair a multitude of ways, just match it with your favorite outfit and flaunt it perfectly.
“When I wear a scarf I never feel so definitely like a woman, a beautiful woman..” Audrey Hepburn
The Fabulous Planner:
In 2015, The Fabulous Planner was born in a completely unexpected way. I bought myself a Louis Vuitton planner and searched all over for inserts that I liked visually and that suited my needs… Nothing was created in a way that caught my eye and would make me want to use this new planner. So I decided to create it myself!
After the first design, I thought to myself, “maybe others would like this, too!” I listed that design on Etsy with zero expectations and the orders started coming. So I kept creating and creating all these new designs and putting more products out there!
5 years later… The Fabulous Planner has evolved into its own business with its own website and subscription box and it’s the thing that I’m most proud of, especially since I can say I did it all on my own!
It’s been my mission these last few years to help others turn their dreams into a reality by giving them the means to plan the life they desire because you don’t just write something in a planner unless you really want it!
My mission is to help women stop sitting and wishing and turn their dreams into reality, one plan at a time!
Planner kit including a journal, pen, stickers, washi tape, sticky notes and a small pouch to keep it everything together. This kit will be perfect for you that wants to start planning your 2021 goals and wishes. Studies shows that vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t. That’s a pretty big difference in goal achievement just from writing your goals on a piece of paper. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s make 2021 your best year yet!
Ready to grab your hands on this Lady Boss Gift Set for your holiday season?!
Click here to place your order before it’s sold out as this gift set will only be available for a limited time!
Cheers to a glistening, darling holiday season, boss babe!
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