3 Simple Ways to Unleash Your Inner Ambitious Warrior
With the first month of 2021 in full swing, the energy and motivation to give this new year our all is a common topic amidst many. I, myself, have felt the adrenaline rush of excitement to kickstart January with an ever resilient glow-getter mindset. Especially after all we've experienced, learned, and grown from the past year, there's something extra special with welcoming this grand new book of 2021 with an open heart and fierce focus on what we aspire to create! Here in this blog post, I'm sharing with you how our handmade sparkles have particularly been inspired from all that's shaped up our brand voice to lead to where we are this very moment, an inspiration that's created a novel collection meant to help you live out your inner ambitious wonder-woman vibes all year long!
Here are the 3 simple ways to do so:
Acknowledge and Honor Yourself:
It's so so powerful to reflect and see how far you've come along from the rollercoaster of the past year. Reflecting on this notion, you'll instantly realize how incredibly strong, brave, and brilliant you are. Acknowledge your beautiful journey and allow your growing chapters to serve as your silver lining.
Choose Your Power Word To Affirm Every Morning:
Starting off the new year can serve as an extra wonderful opportunity to imagine your ambitious wonder-woman character. Take that extra step and create your everyday super-hero with morning affirmations such as: "I am enough", "I'm here for a beautiful purpose", "I can and I will, world watch me", "I am loved and I love myself more everyday"...the ideas go on and on!
Do All That Your Heart Aspires and Do With Love:
Honoring your journey with daily self-loving affirmations all leads to a promising path, and this is one that's grounded on continuous hope that blooms with you and for you. Yes, there will be days that are harder than others to live out such a positive mindset, but you know what's remarkable? We all have a chance every day to do simple things that makes us happy in the moment and take us one step closer to what we ultimately love doing. The essence here is love: discover what brings you that tingling and warm rush of joy and excitement to your heart and go out there and do it! There's room for us all to live a life that brings us happiness while also being of light for others.
This list touches just the tip of the iceberg of how we can all help 2021 to be a thriving year. How we unleash our inner ambitious warrior takes practice and a daily commitment to ourselves, but it's possible! Let me know in the comments below your favorite takeaway and what's one action step you'll take this new year, this new month to be your shining ambitious wonder-woman!

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